Any child who is 5 years old by September 1 is eligible for kindergarten. Our program is developmentally based and our philosophy is to meet the needs of all children. We do an observation screening assessment for the students to check on their readiness in March. Once you apply, you will be contacted for an appointment to test. We will also have a virtual kindergarten information night in February.
The Diocese of San Diego uses STAR Early Literacy, Reading and Math to assess students three times a year (Fall, Winter, and Spring). Teachers use the data from this testing to inform instruction in the classrooms. Parents are given reports after each testing window to help monitor their child’s progress as well.
We also use the Renaissance Reading Program from this same company for students to learn to love independent reading. Students read a book and then take a comprehension quiz in order to see how much information they have retained. Students are given goals by their teachers to achieve each trimester.
We use a School Information System called SchoolSpeak to help communicate with parents as well as communicate student grades. We also have a weekly newsletter that is sent out by the principal and a weekly classroom update as well.
Our PTG has a used uniform sale each year for you to purchase uniform pieces at a lower cost. We currently use The Uniform Store for our uniform and PE purchases.
8160 La Mesa Blvd